i literally watch these reviews every single day i fookin luvv itt!!! 4realll
watching the review while streaming it on discord with friends is so much fun. after awhile you get understand el presidentes pallete and scoring. ill post the daily videos here and the fun part is always to guess what the score is before dave says it.
right now were (me, ff, Jimbo and Leap) in discord, just watched the video and stopped right before he’s about to say the score. join us and post your score below!
everyone is going to reply in this thread their best guesss’s of the score. make sure to mark them all as spoilers incase theres people who dont wanna see the guesses.
Pause @ 1:10
my guess is 66. right off the bat its a very short review below 2 minutes and he just doesnt seem that enthusiatic. even though he mentioned that on the onebite app its rated as an 82, its clearly not delivering.