August 18, 2024:
Woke up at 12pm, really tired, sat in my chair at my computer for like… 2 hours, eyes closed, with NAVI vs Vitality in the background. Don’t remember the games at all since I was basically asleep 😴
@CyanJimbo asked me about how to make fish swim in CS2 hammer, and he solved it himself… so I was a rubber ducky today.
Working on Pokemon Amalgam. I’ve been “stuck” for the previous 3 sessions. This session, I decided to write out a list of stuff for me to do, which looks like this:
My biggest “issue” was figuring out preview, but I think I’ve got a solution which I’m mostly okay with. When I get “mostly done” with this checklist, I’ll finally get back to the original problem that made me go down this journey, which was… I needed to be able to access what gameobject existed at a specific tile by simply passing the coordinate to the tilemap, rather than manually iterating through every gameobject that is a child of the tilemap, and finding which one has coordinates that match the coordinate I want to look at.
The “unity tilemap extras GameObject Brush” is simply creating GameObjects without attaching them to the tilemap/tilemap cells, and that’s why I wasn’t able to do what I wanted. Now my brush instead extends the GridBrush, and I am modifying it to allow me to attach a gameobject to a cell in the tilemap.
Err.. I used the word coordinate and cell interchangeably here.